Use of Explainer Videos in Bringing Leads in Different Industry Arenas


Author: MotionCube Studio

6 min reading

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Explainer videos have become an essential marketing tool for businesses across various industries. They are skilled at simplifying complex themes, thus these videos are entertaining. They can attract attention and guide customers through the purchase process, building trust and confidence.

This guide examines how various businesses use explainer videos to generate leads and consumers.

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1. What are explainer videos?

Explainer videos are brief, exciting videos that explain how something works. Advertising uses these videos to demonstrate a product's advantages and entice customers.

They are also helpful for health and safety training and assistance. Marketing explainer videos feature a 45–90-second runtime, a short yet engaging conversational screenplay, and an attractive visual style to capture viewers.

2. Real Estate

2.1 Virtual Tours and Property Highlights

Property appearance is crucial in real estate. People considering purchasing a home want to view a picture before visiting. Explainer videos demonstrate traits in an engaging and informative manner. These videos take you on a fantastic journey. These videos highlight large kitchens, contemporary bathrooms, and parks with plenty of plants. So the buyer and real estate agent can save time, visitors should see the whole home. Their decision will depend on whether the residence matches their requirements and desires.

2.2 Building Trust with Testimonials

People participating in real estate dealings must trust one another. Due to explainer videos featuring happy customers, more consumers trust companies. Hearing that other customers have had excellent experiences with a real estate agent or organisation gives prospective buyers confidence in their decision. These testimonials describe how the adviser helped the customer discover a home, purchase one, or negotiate a favourable bargain. These suggestions enhance the agent's reputation and expertise.

2.3 Simplifying the Buying Process

Many individuals believe owning a property is challenging. Their videos walk viewers through the process from mortgage application to completion. Using straightforward, unambiguous language to convey "pre-approval," "home inspection," and "closing fees" reduces the person's anxiety. Being explicit about them will help real estate brokers generate more leads. This is because the information will make potential purchasers feel more confident.

3. Healthcare

3.1 Explaining Medical Procedures

Medical professionals use explanation videos to inform patients about medical procedures. These videos discuss expectations, pros & cons and use images to describe intricate processes. For knee replacement surgery, a video can explain the procedure, how long it takes to recover, and anticipated outcomes. It makes patients feel better and promotes trust when physicians and nurses provide this information. Patients feel more prepared and educated after receiving the information.

3.2 Promoting Health Services

Medical facilities use explainer videos to demonstrate their services. Videos can explain the advantages of new treatments like less invasive surgery or the medical staff's expertise. These videos might include medical expert interviews, patient testimonials, and cutting-edge medical technology. Healthcare personnel can attract high-quality patients by showcasing their talents and achievements.

3.3 Patient Testimonials

Using patient viewpoints in videos can be very compelling. Listening to other patients who have had excellent experiences with the treatment they are considering will help prospective patients feel more confident in their treatment. These assessments include anything from monthly checkups to life-saving surgery to demonstrate the healthcare professional's dedication to the patient's health. This personal connection helps the presentation create trust and confidence by connecting emotionally with the audience.

4. Education

4.1 Course Overviews

Explainer videos help students understand educational programs and courses. The video explains the program's advantages and former students' achievements. When developing a computer science program video, emphasise the skills students will gain, the projects they'll work on, and their career chances after graduation. Educational institutions will get more interested students if they receive this information.

4.2 Student Testimonials

Using existing students' remarks in explanation videos will help to recruit new students. Talking to present or past students about their positive educational experiences can help future students feel more confident in their education. These remarks might be on the learning environment, instructors, or hands-on learning. Talking about prior successes can boost educational institutions' credibility.

4.3 Simplifying Enrollment Processes

Registration needs to be clarified for many students, particularly first-year college students. Watching videos that explain each registration stage can help prospective students understand what they need to know to enrol. A video on how to fill out an application, produce documents, and email it might assist someone in applying for money. This clarity will make future students feel more informed and protected, generating more leads.

5. E-commerce

5.1 Product Showcases

Online retailers use explainer videos to promote their products. This project's videos highlight a product's benefits and demonstrate it. A clip promoting a new kitchen appliance illustrates how it will speed up and simplify cooking. These videos provide a detailed product evaluation, which can assist potential buyers in deciding whether to purchase.

5.2 Enhancing Customer Experience

Why are explainer videos superior to other product tutorials? Because they improve the consumer experience overall. These videos can provide teachings, ideas, and problem-solving. The video demonstrates how to create a software account, download it, and maximise its use. This assistance will help online businesses create client trust and increase sales.

5.3 Customer Reviews

An explainer video with customer reviews will help customers trust a product. Talking to actual individuals about their positive experiences with a product will be compelling. Customer testimonials in such videos can show how the product meets a need, solves an issue, or exceeds expectations. Online retailers should highlight client satisfaction to enhance their brand and attract new consumers.


Explainer videos operate in many industries to attract and convert new clients. These videos can engage prospective consumers by simplifying information, developing trust, and showcasing products and services. Explanation videos help businesses reach their target demographic and achieve their objectives. For this situation, videos on real estate, healthcare, technology, education, e-commerce, or other services are acceptable.

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Priyanshu Rijhwani – Co-Founder MotionCube Studio

Welcome to MotionCube Studio, where creativity meets innovation in the world of animation and motion design. As a leading animation studio, we specialize in delivering captivating visual experiences tailored to the unique needs of agencies and SaaS companies.